Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen...

Friday, April 9, 2021

An Interstellar Spring (Part 6): Into The Inferno


One week in, journeying through the void of space and my resolve has begun to waver. Word from the outside was slim. Due in no small part to the method of travel my father chose. In order to get to the epicenter as quickly as possible, he chose for us to to travel deep SlipSpace. A method that cut us off from almost any sort of outside contact.

What little news we did receive had been grim. Apparently, early attempts to appease the rioters and let them “get it out of their systems” had naturally only made things worse. One gruesome report showed a video of them setting fire to a police station. The crowd shouting “Death to Pigs!” over and over again.

Definitely something I did not enjoy watching but I endured it so that when we arrived, I would be armed with the greatest weapon of them all: Knowledge. I would need to know all that I could of the situation on the ground if I am to successfully navigate the dark sociopolitical waters.

My father was no help sadly. He was busy putting out the countless fires that arose in a situation such as this. Furthermore, he had placed me in as a crew man. “If you going to tag along son, you are going to pull your weight.” He told me as we were driven to the space port the next morning after him and my mother had their fight. She certainly wasn’t thrilled I was coming along but by the time my father told her we already in SlipSpace. Something told me he timed the reveal for that very purpose.

Like my labors beforehand, the tasks I was charged with did good to draw my attention away from the worry that gripped my stomach. An aching knot that refused to go away.

That only worsened with every report. The conditions got worse and no end was in sight. Worse even, I had nothing to go on as to the status of my girl. No death, no arrest, not even a mere mention of either her or her family.

My father allowed me to send a single pulse out to her cousin. His reply that came with the next wave sadly did not help matters. While he had yet to hear anything specific. Apparently, the chapter my girlfriends family belonged to was holed up in some cave system not to far from my fathers plant.

He of course could not sit on this information. He loved me but the mission and his company came first in this matters. “I’m sorry son.” He told me as he yanked the slate containing the pulse out of my hands. A tear or two streaming down his cheeks. “We have to act on this.”

I of course nodded. Not saying anything, my body language speaking for me. “How could something so good come out of something so cruel?” He asked as he hugged me. Grateful for my understanding.

“It helps to have an amazing father pulling all the weight.” I replied, returning his affection.

When he pulled away, his eyes were red and puffy. All the emotion he had been storing for who knows how long coming out of him all at one. He stayed at my station for a few more moments, collecting himself. It would do no good for the crew to see their leader in such a state. “Thank you.” He said to me, putting his hand on my shoulder before dashing away to relay this info into the next pulse.

As he left, everyone stoop up to salute their skipper. Afterwards they all looked at me, new recognition plastered all over their faces. Each one of them knew exactly who I was and my fathers place in all this. But there was a huge difference between being told something was a fact and seeing that fact play out right in front of you. Tangibility tends to lend credence to even the faintest of notions.

We should be there within the next few days. I told myself. I need to have a plan. So far I had been flying wherever the solar winds take me. But down there...down there I would need a plan. The moon was in chaos. Law and order hung on by the barest of threads. Brutality was the game at play on both sides of the equation.

While information will definitely become more plentiful once we land moon side. Finding one revolutionary, no matter how tangentially involved. In an entire movement of people would be a tall task indeed. Add to the fact that I would be looking from “the other side” and my prospects look rather grim. Still, I owed it not just to her but myself to try.

I guess at some point I could slip out and try and find her on my own? I thought. A daunting idea to say the least. Not only would I be on my own, I’d be alone on a very hostile world. One where either side would sooner shoot me than ask me any questions. If I do this, I’ll need friends.

Now knowing what I had to do, I stepped away from my station and staring walking towards the comm pods. The next pulse wave was scheduled to go out within the hour. I knew a gal who worked there that owed me a huge favor. Caught her smooching with the superior officer to her superior officer. My father never stood for such kind of fragrant fraternization. One conversion would be all it took to end both of their careers.

Yes. I thought to myself. This is the way. I’d hide a secret relay message in the wave. One that would surly get to my contact. From there he’d set me with the right people. It sure as hell wasn’t a solution but it was surly a start. For stepping on that surface would not be the end of my troubles, no it would merely be the beginning.

Friday, March 26, 2021

An Interstellar Spring (Part 5): Before The Storm


By Nick Gibson

UST: May 5th, 3569, 7:13 PM

Dear Journal: I must have read my friends message at least 3 times now. It’s now to the point where I could recite it from memory.

My Dear Friend Curtis,

News from the protest is hard to come by, even for those who share it’s plight. What has reached me is not good. Word is that all those involved have been jailed and possibly shipped out of town. Probably to that one facility up north that no one talks about but we all know exists. I did take the liberty of reaching out to your girls parents. Your lucky one of her cousins works here on planet with me. He told me she got picked up alongside the rest of them. No one has heard a word since.

Stay safe and please try not to do anything stupid,

Your friend Willie

It wasn’t much to go off of but it was enough. I knew exactly which facility Willie spoke of. It was an old army depot that had been abandoned for years but somehow was still active in the military register. It’s true purpose unknown to anyone but the highest of officials. Until now that is, now it seems to be serving as a make shift prison for political dissidents. That won’t play well at all with the wider public. I thought. Though I doubt they care at this point.

So I had a rough idea of where she could be. But how do I get there? That is the question. I sat there pondering. I had been fruitlessly thinking of a plan for a good 30 minutes, nothing of merit coming to me. My sceaming was interrupted by the sounds of a door closing followed up by the wailing of my mother. “You are not going to an active war zone!”

I gotta listen to this I thought. Opening my door a crack, I peeked my head out and looked downstairs. My mother was still in her dinner attire. My father on the other hand had switched out to a lounge jacket when him and the admiral retired to the study. “He want’s me to personally oversee the factory they are building over there.” My father roared, returning fire. “They knew the miners wouldn’t take getting displaced well. They miscalculated just how much!”

My mother tried to open her mouth to protest but my father threw his jacket at her, effectively shutting her up as he stormed off. “I leave in the morning. It’s all hands on deck now.”

Not wanting to have any of this. Plus she hated being out shown in the drama department. My mother stormed off herself. “I’m staying with my sister!” she screeched, slamming the door as hard as she could muster.

Now’s my chance I realized. Not wanted to let a good martial crisis go to waste, I rushed down stairs towards my fathers room. I barley got within five feet of the door when he said to me. “You heard that didn’t you? Of course you did. Come on in.”

Entering the room, I looked around. My father was already halfway packed. Now that he was away from his wife, I could tell the weight he was under was breaking him. “I want to come with you father.” I said before he had a chance to say anything else.

What I said caused him to stop what he was doing and look at me. He wasn’t expecting that. “Curtis, it’s dangerous.” he said with a sigh.

“You need my help. Now more than ever.” I replied. That would have been a lie before I entered but upon seeing him it became the number 2 reason I was doing this.

Looking me over, he could tell I was serious. “But your schooling…”

“Can wait.” I answered. “Besides, nothing is going to happen with what’s currently going on.”

Now out of reasons to say no he walked up at me. “Is this about her?” He asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Please be honest with me, my son.”

Yes.” I said, putting my head down in shame. I didn’t have it in me to lie to him. “Mostly, anyway but yeah.”

My old man looked me over for a moment. “I never had the chance to fight for love.” He said, a certain warmth filling his eyes. “Everything was chosen for me from birth.” he then then typed out a messaged on his slate. Looking back at me, seemingly more energized than before. “I will not allow my son to be so shackled. We ride at dawn.”

He then shooed me out of his room. We both had a lot of packing to do.

Walking up the stairs, my mind reeling from what had just happened. My father had always been the cool one sure. But I never expected him to be so...human? It was at that moment I realized my parents were no different than I. Full of hopes, dreams, and most importantly...regret. He seems desperate to not repeat the sins of the father. I thought. Smiling, now even more grateful that I had at least one parent who seemed to give a damn. My mother being a lost cause, at least for the moment anyway.

What I did not know at the time. Something that would turn out to be my one big regret is that this would be my last peaceful nights rest for years to come. If I had known what I did now I certainly wouldn’t have stayed up half the night. Long past when I had already finished packing.

The path before me was going to be a rough one. But right now I lived excited, swimming in ignorant bliss. Oh how I yearn to reach back and slap that fool. Not for leaving, that was the smartest call I had ever made. But I wish I could go back and tell my father one thing and one thing only.

“I love you.”

Sunday, March 14, 2021

An Interstellar Spring (Part 4): A Dinner For 3


By Nick Gibson

UST: May 5th, 3569, 6:46 PM

Dear Journal: Just got back from dinner, man oh man was it a trip. When I got down there my mother introduced me to Rear Admiral Christopher Khan. A beast of a man who towered over me by a good half meter! When he went to shake my hand he did that thing all secretly insecure men do when they want to establish dominance over someone. Let me tell you, he crushed my hand so hard to was still throbbing 15 minutes later.

“Tell me good sir,” I said to him, giving him the ego fluffing he felt so entitled to, “To what do we owe the grace of your visit?” I knew better than to sass him. This wasn’t my first rodeo and it would be far from my last.

His back stood a little straighter upon hearing my perfectly prosed question. “Well young man.” He said, making sure to place emphasis on the word ‘young’. “With the Miners Uprising going on. The USC will need all the supplies it can get. This is where your father potentially comes in.”

“We are so happy to have someone of your...stature in our home.” My mother said to him. Gazing up lustfully at him before turning to me and shooting me a glare of utter contempt. The message was clear, ‘shut up and be the good boy’. I responded by flicking my eyes upward then silently taking my place at fathers side.

I mostly picked at the appetizer while my parents chatted up Khan. Nothing special was being said and nothing would be until after the deserts arrive. You see this was the pre-show, the time to set the stage with small talk and various pleasantries. The real show would begin once the main course arrived.

My mother wasted no time in putting the charm on the old Spacer. Wonder if she is going to sleep with this one to? I thought. Given the stakes, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. “...and our son Curtis is currently on break from Sanhurst University. Tell him about your studies honey.”

Looking up in shock, I didn’t know exactly what to say. Certainly wasn’t expecting to be called upon so soon. “It’s going pretty good actually, made the Dean’s List for the 2nd time in a row.”

This seemed to please our guest. Nodding in approval before turning his attention back to my mother. By this time more noise seemed to be coming from the kitchen. Indicating that the main act was about to begin.

With a flourish, 6 day servants, dressed in the finest threads a member of the Labor Caste could hope to don. Like the well oiled machine my mother trained them to be, they set down the food in front of each of us. Making sure to match the correct plate with the proper person. Last thing any of us wanted was for the Admiral to be Med-Evaced because some idiot put the only plate that did not contain the Halnut glaze onto my lap instead of his.

Just as quickly as they arrived, they were gone. They only had about 10 minutes to rest before beginning prep on the next course. My mother winked at the head day servant. He wasn’t really that good at his job. The only thing he excelled at was lay down his pipe. Something my mother never failed to utilize. Gods, I wish I talk to Molly. Be nice talk to someone who actually cares about me.

As we all dug in, the Admiral made a point to ask my father about the happenings of his company. You see, in this part of the meal, both sides ask gently propping questions about the other. The real negations wouldn’t begin till desert but now was the time to set the stage for the later battle of wits. “...We just completed the expansion of our Europa facility. Increasing out rate of production by a factor of 5!” My father said, barely able to contain his enthusiasm. That is, if he was actually trying to contain it.

Looking pleased, The Admiral took a bite of his duck. His face exploding with excitement. “Whose your chef?” He asked waved around his half eaten wing like it was some sort of trophy. “I might have to snatch them from you.”

Both my parents laughed as if he had told a hilarious joke. “That would be a tragedy but if you insist I can give you her details after the meal.” My mom said with a hand on the mans lap. Clearly not talking about food.

Satisfied they returned to their mutual interrogations. My part in this charade was pretty much done by this point. I finished up the rest of my meal in peace. “Mother, it has been a pleasure but I ask to retire.” I said with every courtesy I could muster.

She looked me up and down, trying to find a reason to keep me in my place. A glance from my father was all took to relinquish her hold on me. “Of course honey, we wouldn’t want to bore you with all the important adult stuff.”

Taking her condescending remarks on the chin, I got up from my seat and walked over to the Admiral. “Thanking you for gracing our home good sir” I said to him with a bow.

He waved me up with the same indifference he gave anyone below his station. “The pleasure is all mine. You were a great dinner guest. I hope we can dine again.” He replied to me. He didn’t really mean any of this, it was just what he was superposed to say.

My performance now finished, I dashed up the stairs as quickly as I could. Food was the last thing I could think about. Something else was on my mind.

That something was thankfully there to greet me when I returned to my room. The tablet alight displaying a notification, that being some new message. This one from my friend. The subject line only containing two words.

Found Molly...

Monday, March 1, 2021

An Interstellar Spring (Part 3): Letters of War


By Nick Gibson

UST: May 5th, 3569, 4:28 PM

Dear Journal: Two days, it has been two days since I last heard from Molly. It took about a day after the uprising started for the news sites to catch on and when they did I was shocked by the larger than normal degree of distortion going on.

What to my own eyes looked like a protest gone horribly wrong, the news reported as a violent insurrection. Perpetuated by extremists who wanted nothing more than to tear down the regime the graciously protected them. Oh and they were bigots to so of course we had to hate them.

I tried to inform my parents of the true story. That went about as well as you would expect. My mother accepted the “official” story without hesitation. Being born into wealth, she never had to want for a thing any day in her life. The hardest task she ever had to do pretend to a “normal person” for the sake of appearances. Like most of her status, this usually meant phoning in support for whatever cause was trendy at the moment. Unfortunately, the plight of the common person was so last century.

Thankfully though, my father was a bit more receptive to my pleas. Having been the victim of a vicious accusation not five years prior. The woman in question claimed my father did unspeakable acts to her. Problem was she had never even been on the same planet as him! It took the press a bit to get a hold of that simple fact. They of course had to run through the initial cycle of finger wagging. Getting all the hits they could before issuing a half hearted apology. That is of course, if they bothered to at all.

Seeing as how their was nothing I could do in the short term but wait, my parents started me on a strict regime of house work. While they did not see eye to eye on my claim, the did agree that the best cure for any stressors is honest hard work.

So that’s how I ended up embarking on a multi day quest to weed the garden. As much as I wanted to think about my girl friend. The task at hand did a remarkable job of pushing it from my mind. It was only after I had showered and picked up my slate, the libelous reports still flooding in. That I had a chance to remember what truly mattered to me.

Checking the time in the corner I saw that I still had roughly a half hour before my mother called me down for dinner. Meals being a big deal in our household, I could not be late. I had time to draft maybe two messages? I knew who the first recipient would be but the second was currently a mystery. Resolving to figure it out later I opened the app and began to write.

Dear Molly,

I have no idea when or even if this will get to you. I’m scared shit less about what may be happening over there. I hope you are safe. I know your Pa is a foreman in those mines and most likely a ring leader in whatever when down. I just hope against hope you were not roped in. If you were please promise you will be careful. I care about you a lot. You still owe me 250 credits and I have every intention on collecting. Well not really I just wanted to sound tough. Guess that fell flat on it’s face huh? Anyway, make sure you don’t fall flat on your face yourself. I’d hate to be the only good looking one in the relationship.

Your Wonderful Man,

Curtis Wright

P.S. I attached a picture in the message. It’s the front of my house. My mom has been having me pull all the weeds out.

Hitting send, I let out a breath I didn’t know I had held. I had no clue when I might get a response. In times such as these the web was the first thing to be pulled. Still, I had to at least try and do something. I owed her that much.

Effort aside, I still had time for one more message. But who could it be? I thought to myself. Then it hit me Willie! That fabulous redneck worked the Hydrogen mines of Europa during break. Not only was he in the same system as my girl he also belonged to the same Union! If anyone could give me some answers it would be him. So, with some trepidation, I found his contact info and began to type.

Hey Willie.

Yeah I know, long time no type. I’m sure you have an idea as to why I am contacting you. I’m going to get straight to the point then. I watched what happened live and I know what’s going on. Further more, Molly is in the thick of it. I don’t want anyone to be hurt, least of all her. I know you are in the same union as the ones who led the protest. If you have any information on what is happening please tell me.

Your Trusted Friend and Ally.

Curtis Wright

No sooner had I hit send then the shrill shriek of my mother burst forth and into my ear drums. Announcing dinner like the event it was. In her mind at least. Realizing I was still in my skivvies, I quickly threw on a nice pair of black pants, a blue button up shirt, black waistcoat, and black tie. Not my finest but it was what I had on hand. What I had on the floor to be more accurate.

Walking down the stairs I could see the table was set up extra fine. Did we have a guest? I wondered. My curiosity being immediately satiated when I turned around the corner to see an older gentleman. His dark skin contrasting nicely with his bright white military uniform. A navel man I concluded So this is to be a dog and pony show. Very well, I know my part.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

An Interstellar Spring (Part 2): The Revolution Will Be Televised


By Nick Gibson

UST: May 3rd, 3569 8:13 PM

Dear Journal: So I just got off from my call with Molly. The best way to describe it was...interesting. The conversation itself was pleasant as always. It’s what we talked about that truly concerned me.

Apparently, the miners in her district had been on strike for a few weeks now. She said this happened every few years when the contract was up for renewal. This time however, things are a bit more tense. She wasn’t sure if it was outside agitators or just the workers fed up with being screwed over by their reps each and every time.

Regardless of the cause, because of the rising tensions, a curfew has been called. This of course had the effect of pissing off pretty much everyone. Now not only were the miners on edge but so to were the average citizens who just wanted to grab a pint with their mates. The way Molly described it made me glad I was so far removed from it all.

Still though, a sharp pang of guilt spread though me at the thought. While I sit comfortably, Molly is in the thick of it. The very notion made me uneasy. She said she would be fine. As luck would have it, the very moment we heard it, a crowd of miners marched in the streets by her house. Wielding mosquito torches in addition to their collective voice.

Molly took the camera to the window to give me a better view of what was going on. What looked to a thousand people. Each one carrying the flame of defiance. Marching by her window. As one they shouted the slogan. “A thousand and two deaths are a thousand to many!” I asked when the curfew had started and she told me it began an hour ago.

So here there were a large group of protesters marching through the street in blatant defiance of the curfew. “Where were the cops?” I asked her.

No sooner had a spoken than the familiar purple and orange flashing light filled the square. I counted at list 6 squad cars lining the blocks. Things are starting to get real serious real quick I thought. My stomach filling with dread at what I knew was to come next.

Helpless to do anything but watch, I gazed on in agony as the cops yelled at the protesters to disperse over the loudspeaker. Of course not only did they refuse to comply, they got even rowdier as a result. “Molly, look! Over by the hoverbus station.” I said to her, noticing a woman that had lit off a molatov cocktail. We both watched in stunned silence as her arm cocked back and then as if in slow motion she hurled it at the cops. It missed her target thankfully but instead it hit one of the police vehicles. Quickly setting it ablaze.

History would remember this moment as ‘The Throw Seen Around The Solar System’. For while I had a front row seat, at the time I was unaware that the media had been live streaming the entire event. Hell, my parents were watching the same thing I was in very next room!

Well history was being made right in front of our eyes and it could not be more brutal. The cops opened fire on the protesters. They were probably waiting for something like this to give them even a semblance of an excuse.

The protesters didn’t scatter like I was suspecting they might. No, that would have been the logical thing to do. What they did instead was to charge the cops. This led to the expected result with the police breaking out the crowd control parameters. The first of which being the sonic screamer. A device designed to disorient any person close by not wearing the proper protection.

This tactic thankfully had the desired effect. Perhaps working a bit to well. With Molly’s place being close to the epic center of this whole damn thing, it wasn’t long before the screams reaches her. First to go was her window, the pane shattered all at once. It’s shards flying towards her. Thankfully she managed to duck under a table the moment the screamer broke loose.

I could no longer see her but my view of her room was still in full focus. From underneath her bed, I could hear her howling in pain. “My ears are bleeding!” She screamed at me. Than it all went dark.

“Mother fuc…” I roared, about to extort some expletives when my father burst in. Seeing me yelling at my computers screen. The only words it displayed being “Connection Lost”. He instantly put two and two together.

“Is she ok?” He asked. While only physically meeting her once, Molly had attended many teledinners with us. Both my parents found her endlessly charming. My mother never one to hold back telling me she was surprised a woman of her caliber would even be interested in me.

I looked up at him. Tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I had just watched the woman I cared for deeply be passively adjacent to what would be later known as a system shattering event. “I...I don’t know.” I said in between fits of crying. “The feed cut out right as the screamers broke through her window.

My father just stood there for a moment. Not quite sure how to respond. He was rescued by my mother rushing in. At first I thought it was to defuse the situation but when I saw she had a portable squawkbox in her hands I knew exactly what the real reason was. “Honey...It’s the head of the UPM Security council….” She paused when she finally was able to apprise the situation. She took a gulp, than continued. “...They want to speak with you about providing supplies for the upcoming conflict.”

He took the phone without another word and swiftly exited. My mother giving me a look of complete sorrow before following me.

She knew better than anyone the ‘Troubles’ that were about to begin...

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Cyberpunk- A Starterpunk Primer

-Nick Gibson
   So Cyberpunk 2077 came late last year. As one, legions of gamers cried foul. What was once a hotly hyped game quickly became an example of what not to do.
   But I bet many others were left asking "What is Cyberpunk?" To those people I dedicate this article to.
   Here you shall find recommendations for several movies and books. These should give you at least a basic understanding of the genre.

Blade Runner: Without a doupt, one of the more well known pieces of media on this list. This 1981 film is "based" off the novel "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" by Phillip K Dick.
   Harrison Ford is Detective Decker, a Blade Runner. It's his job to hunt down rouge Androids...and kill them. Well they call it "retirement" but we all know the deal.
   The film is actually pretty good in my not so humble opinion. A bit slow in parts but definitely an audio/visual feast for the sences
The Matrix: A personal favorite of mine, this movie is an original story from The Wachowski Sisters. Staring currently media darling Keanu Reeves, it's a film of self discovery and fulfilling one's true potential.
  I'm not going to spoil it but you really should see it.
Metropolis: We're going back with this one, way back, to 1928. Part of The German Expressionist Movement, this silent film may be ancient but it is no less relevant. Another high recommendation.

Neruromancer: If anything be considered for the title of first it is definitely this book. Written by William Gibson, it literally laid the blueprint that is still being followed to this day.
   Part one of The Sprawl Trilogy, the book is just as entertaining as the day it was first released.
Judge Dredd: This one is more about the over encompassing brand than the actual comic. Oh don't get me wrong the comic is amazing. It's a delightfully cynical take on our modern times.
  What I really wanted to mention is the criminally underrated film staring Karl Urban in the titular role. Please go watch this movie if nothing else!
Ghost in the Shell: This list would not be complete without mentioning the Japanese side of Cyberpunk. I could talk about Akira, but GITS is by far the more impactful of the two.
   Starting out as a manga by Masamune Shirow, it quickly blossomed into first a ground breaking film and later an iconic anime series.
   Oh and avoid the film that came out a few years ago. It's just...not good.

Special Mention
2100 Samurai: I thought I'd take this moment to slip in a shameless shout-out for my upcoming comic. If you like Samurais and you also like Cyberpunk my book is for you. Expect it to be released in the next few months. 
  That's the list. Anything I didn't mention that you think should be on the list? Sound off below! 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Wandavision(Episode 3): In Living Color


New Palette, New Problems

By Nick Gibson

    Welcome to my episode 3 recap and review! This week we go beyond monochrome and into full vibrant color! Eagle eyed viewers (or those of a certain...vintage) will be quick to notice that this weeks episode harkens back to both The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family. 

    But with this new view on the show comes a new aspect to the unfolding dilemma. The show continues with it's stellar use of uncanny valley. One moment it's no different than your favorite episode of the Brady Bunch, the next one of the characters brings up the events of Age of Ultron. 

    I must say, I am rather enjoying this slow drip feed of information. The show runners are slowly but surely peeling back the curtain of plot. While it may be slow it is also deliberate.  There are several theories floating around. Many of which I will touch upon here. But before I can do so...


    Ok, now that the alert has been issued, I'm going to assume anyone reading this is fine with spoilers. 

    So in this episode, Wanda emerges as the true villain of series. I know, I know, Wanda is an Avenger. Hear me out though. In the closing moments of episode 2, upon seeing the S.W.O.R.D agent emerge from the sewers. With a simple 'no' Wanda literally rewinds time to get a more favorable outcome. 

    A similar thing occurs in episode 3. When Vision starts to question the nature of the reality our lady glitches out the episode so that he can repeat what he said to her and give the favorable answer she wanted. When I saw this happen for the first time I thought that my stream was corrupted. I gotta say, this show is operating on a meta level that we haven't seen before in main stream entertainment. 

    Getting back on track though, Wanda starts the episode pregnant. Throughout the roughly 29 minute runtime, she goes straight through the usual 9 months of pregnancy. The episode ultimately culminates in the delivery of not just one but two children. They are named "Billy" and "Tommy" respectively. Any self respecting Marvel fan will instantly recognize who these are. 

Ladies and Gents...I give you Wiccan and Speed

    I'm excited to see how these kids develop. One cannot help but wonder if Marvel is setting up a Young Avengers film. If they are I certainly believe that they have made some great first steps.

    As always Mephisto is ever present. I'm all but certain that this mysterious "Ralph" is none other than the Devil himself. The hints seem to be getting even more blatant with every episode. 

    The last big thing I wanted to mention is Monica "Geraldine" Rambeau. In this episode she is uncovered as a S.W.O.R.D. agent who had up to this point managed to fly under the radar. Her time ran out when Wanda mentioned that she once had a twin. She is of course talking about her brother Pietro aka Quicksilver. 

    Where things go wrong is when Monica mentions that Pietro was killed by Ultron. This triggered Wanda in a pretty big way. Eventually leading to Monica's expulsion from the pocket reality. 


    Things should get pretty interesting as we head into the "80's" and see how the trappings of that sitcoms affect the plot. 

    So what do you think? Did you enjoy this weeks show? Did you find it to be a steaming turd? Sound off in the comments sections!

Friday, January 22, 2021

An Interstellar Spring(Part 1): About A Girl


By Nick Gibson

Author's Note: Due to Facebook/Instagram not liking blogger links, I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad from now on. 

UST: May 3rd, 3569 6:48 PM

Dear Journal. Going into my summer vacation I really don’t have much to look forward to. Pa has set me up with a job in his factory. He tells me I’m going to be calibrating spatial dampeners in his new craft for the entire time I am home. Honestly, a noose around my neck sounds more enticing.

The problem with that plan is if I were to die I wouldn’t be able to talk to my girlfriend Maggie Malone. Yeah that’s right, it took me 3 semesters but I Curtis Wright have a girlfriend. What a lady she is! Her long red just flows in the wind at even the slightest of breeze. Her eyes shining like glistening emeralds. Oh I can still see them in my head. Stare at me intently, wondering how a Hydrogen miners daughter could have ended up with the heir to Wright Aerospace.

What’s funny is I often ponder the same thing about her. Most woman are initially attracted to my money. Once they find I won’t have access to till my 25th birthday the sparkling personality that I used to put zero effort in developing quickly sent them packing. Oh what an ass I was.

That is until last semester, when I had that bad breakup with Willie. If a patient soul like him couldn’t stand me who in their right mind would? So yeah, Holiday break was...fun to say the least. Even my parents wanted no part of my misery. Books became my companion. I was fortunate to find a few self help holos that set me on a path. That path eventually leading straight to Maggie.

Maggie and I had known each other for a long time. The interesting thing about two people having the same major is that they tend to take the same classes. We were always on friendly terms. I didn’t really do myself any favors when we got paired up to do a report on terraforming and she ended up doing all the work.

After break she definitely noticed a change in me. I think most did after I publicly apologized to Willie in the cafeteria. You can bet I took that shake to the face like a man. Over the next few weeks I pretty much kept to myself. The friend list on Navi steadily diminishing as they realized the free rides were over. To say it was eye opening would be an understatement.

As fate would have it, Maggie and I got paired up on an assignment. This one having to deal with the impact a forced exit from Slip Space would have on the structural integrity of a mid sized transport. Maggie was shocked when I took the lead on this one. It was just that I had a strong desire to make up for out last assignment but ships were kind of my thing.

It wasn’t just that my mother and father were the ones who founded Wright Aerospace, the #2 space craft supplier for the United Planets and Moons. No, even if I wasn’t born into “royalty”, most people who knew me beyond a surface level (which admittedly is very few) would tell you that I’d be a space junkie regardless. So yeah, I was definitely in my element with this one.

Of course we aced that sucker. Later that night we were in the cafeteria celebrating. Thank Zeus the building was made of stone, otherwise the sparks we making would have burned the entire place to the ground.

Oddly enough, things didn’t progress that night any further than that. In the past I would have made an attempt at seduction without a seconds thought. Perhaps the past months have instilled a more cautious nature in me. Whatever it may be at the end of the night, we hugged and when back to our dorms.

I woke up the next day not expecting anything special. My only plans being the assembly of a scale of The Exodus Earth. A ship that had the distinction of being the first craft to leave earth. One that soon became many. Eventually leading to our very disorganized union of planets and moons. I had never attempted a model of this complexity. In hindsight, I view this as me at my most introverted.

Like all crest, the pendulum would be quick to begin in swing in the other direction. My Navi buzzing would be marked as the turning point. At least upon recollection anyway. Who could be the person that had my phone a buzz? At this point only my family really cared about my existence and they were all back on Titan. When I checked it I was very surprised (and also very happy) to see Maggie’s name pop up. She simply wanted to grab lunch and talk. A simple enough request, but for someone of my lessened stature it meant the world.

Grabbing a brisk shower and a quick change of clothes, I rushed out the door. To say I was excited would be an understatement. That joy was soon to come crashing down. Quite literally, for when I say her sitting at the cafe. I called out to her, waving my arms like the man man I was. When she say me she waved back and smiled. She...smiled...at...me!

My mind went blank at this display of genuine affection. Probably at the worst possible moment. My feet forgetting that I had stepped on an escalator. I have told the people that witnessed my fall that it was quite pathetic. Maggie confirmed as much when I awoke at the hospital in between fits of laughter.

The Doctors said that after the fall had knocked me out cold. I guess I stayed that way for a full five hours. I awoke to the warm feeling of Maggie laying in my lap. Her breath warming my stomach. Of course, me rousing from a coma woke her from the beautiful slumber I had been greeted to. I can’t remember exactly but the conversation went like this.

“Have you been here this whole time?” I asked her.

She looked back at me confused at first then looked at the clock than back at me. Putting her hand over her mouth in shock. “You owe me lunch!” Was all she managed to say before I scooped her up into a hug.

This hug was different from the one previous. You see the last time we hugged it was as friends. This was a hug between romantic partners.

Speaking of romantic partners, my slate is buzzing. Looks like Maggie is calling me.

Should be an interesting call...