Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen...

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Cyberpunk- A Starterpunk Primer

-Nick Gibson
   So Cyberpunk 2077 came late last year. As one, legions of gamers cried foul. What was once a hotly hyped game quickly became an example of what not to do.
   But I bet many others were left asking "What is Cyberpunk?" To those people I dedicate this article to.
   Here you shall find recommendations for several movies and books. These should give you at least a basic understanding of the genre.

Blade Runner: Without a doupt, one of the more well known pieces of media on this list. This 1981 film is "based" off the novel "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" by Phillip K Dick.
   Harrison Ford is Detective Decker, a Blade Runner. It's his job to hunt down rouge Androids...and kill them. Well they call it "retirement" but we all know the deal.
   The film is actually pretty good in my not so humble opinion. A bit slow in parts but definitely an audio/visual feast for the sences
The Matrix: A personal favorite of mine, this movie is an original story from The Wachowski Sisters. Staring currently media darling Keanu Reeves, it's a film of self discovery and fulfilling one's true potential.
  I'm not going to spoil it but you really should see it.
Metropolis: We're going back with this one, way back, to 1928. Part of The German Expressionist Movement, this silent film may be ancient but it is no less relevant. Another high recommendation.

Neruromancer: If anything be considered for the title of first it is definitely this book. Written by William Gibson, it literally laid the blueprint that is still being followed to this day.
   Part one of The Sprawl Trilogy, the book is just as entertaining as the day it was first released.
Judge Dredd: This one is more about the over encompassing brand than the actual comic. Oh don't get me wrong the comic is amazing. It's a delightfully cynical take on our modern times.
  What I really wanted to mention is the criminally underrated film staring Karl Urban in the titular role. Please go watch this movie if nothing else!
Ghost in the Shell: This list would not be complete without mentioning the Japanese side of Cyberpunk. I could talk about Akira, but GITS is by far the more impactful of the two.
   Starting out as a manga by Masamune Shirow, it quickly blossomed into first a ground breaking film and later an iconic anime series.
   Oh and avoid the film that came out a few years ago. It's just...not good.

Special Mention
2100 Samurai: I thought I'd take this moment to slip in a shameless shout-out for my upcoming comic. If you like Samurais and you also like Cyberpunk my book is for you. Expect it to be released in the next few months. 
  That's the list. Anything I didn't mention that you think should be on the list? Sound off below! 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Wandavision(Episode 3): In Living Color


New Palette, New Problems

By Nick Gibson

    Welcome to my episode 3 recap and review! This week we go beyond monochrome and into full vibrant color! Eagle eyed viewers (or those of a certain...vintage) will be quick to notice that this weeks episode harkens back to both The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family. 

    But with this new view on the show comes a new aspect to the unfolding dilemma. The show continues with it's stellar use of uncanny valley. One moment it's no different than your favorite episode of the Brady Bunch, the next one of the characters brings up the events of Age of Ultron. 

    I must say, I am rather enjoying this slow drip feed of information. The show runners are slowly but surely peeling back the curtain of plot. While it may be slow it is also deliberate.  There are several theories floating around. Many of which I will touch upon here. But before I can do so...


    Ok, now that the alert has been issued, I'm going to assume anyone reading this is fine with spoilers. 

    So in this episode, Wanda emerges as the true villain of series. I know, I know, Wanda is an Avenger. Hear me out though. In the closing moments of episode 2, upon seeing the S.W.O.R.D agent emerge from the sewers. With a simple 'no' Wanda literally rewinds time to get a more favorable outcome. 

    A similar thing occurs in episode 3. When Vision starts to question the nature of the reality our lady glitches out the episode so that he can repeat what he said to her and give the favorable answer she wanted. When I saw this happen for the first time I thought that my stream was corrupted. I gotta say, this show is operating on a meta level that we haven't seen before in main stream entertainment. 

    Getting back on track though, Wanda starts the episode pregnant. Throughout the roughly 29 minute runtime, she goes straight through the usual 9 months of pregnancy. The episode ultimately culminates in the delivery of not just one but two children. They are named "Billy" and "Tommy" respectively. Any self respecting Marvel fan will instantly recognize who these are. 

Ladies and Gents...I give you Wiccan and Speed

    I'm excited to see how these kids develop. One cannot help but wonder if Marvel is setting up a Young Avengers film. If they are I certainly believe that they have made some great first steps.

    As always Mephisto is ever present. I'm all but certain that this mysterious "Ralph" is none other than the Devil himself. The hints seem to be getting even more blatant with every episode. 

    The last big thing I wanted to mention is Monica "Geraldine" Rambeau. In this episode she is uncovered as a S.W.O.R.D. agent who had up to this point managed to fly under the radar. Her time ran out when Wanda mentioned that she once had a twin. She is of course talking about her brother Pietro aka Quicksilver. 

    Where things go wrong is when Monica mentions that Pietro was killed by Ultron. This triggered Wanda in a pretty big way. Eventually leading to Monica's expulsion from the pocket reality. 


    Things should get pretty interesting as we head into the "80's" and see how the trappings of that sitcoms affect the plot. 

    So what do you think? Did you enjoy this weeks show? Did you find it to be a steaming turd? Sound off in the comments sections!

Friday, January 22, 2021

An Interstellar Spring(Part 1): About A Girl


By Nick Gibson

Author's Note: Due to Facebook/Instagram not liking blogger links, I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad from now on. 

UST: May 3rd, 3569 6:48 PM

Dear Journal. Going into my summer vacation I really don’t have much to look forward to. Pa has set me up with a job in his factory. He tells me I’m going to be calibrating spatial dampeners in his new craft for the entire time I am home. Honestly, a noose around my neck sounds more enticing.

The problem with that plan is if I were to die I wouldn’t be able to talk to my girlfriend Maggie Malone. Yeah that’s right, it took me 3 semesters but I Curtis Wright have a girlfriend. What a lady she is! Her long red just flows in the wind at even the slightest of breeze. Her eyes shining like glistening emeralds. Oh I can still see them in my head. Stare at me intently, wondering how a Hydrogen miners daughter could have ended up with the heir to Wright Aerospace.

What’s funny is I often ponder the same thing about her. Most woman are initially attracted to my money. Once they find I won’t have access to till my 25th birthday the sparkling personality that I used to put zero effort in developing quickly sent them packing. Oh what an ass I was.

That is until last semester, when I had that bad breakup with Willie. If a patient soul like him couldn’t stand me who in their right mind would? So yeah, Holiday break was...fun to say the least. Even my parents wanted no part of my misery. Books became my companion. I was fortunate to find a few self help holos that set me on a path. That path eventually leading straight to Maggie.

Maggie and I had known each other for a long time. The interesting thing about two people having the same major is that they tend to take the same classes. We were always on friendly terms. I didn’t really do myself any favors when we got paired up to do a report on terraforming and she ended up doing all the work.

After break she definitely noticed a change in me. I think most did after I publicly apologized to Willie in the cafeteria. You can bet I took that shake to the face like a man. Over the next few weeks I pretty much kept to myself. The friend list on Navi steadily diminishing as they realized the free rides were over. To say it was eye opening would be an understatement.

As fate would have it, Maggie and I got paired up on an assignment. This one having to deal with the impact a forced exit from Slip Space would have on the structural integrity of a mid sized transport. Maggie was shocked when I took the lead on this one. It was just that I had a strong desire to make up for out last assignment but ships were kind of my thing.

It wasn’t just that my mother and father were the ones who founded Wright Aerospace, the #2 space craft supplier for the United Planets and Moons. No, even if I wasn’t born into “royalty”, most people who knew me beyond a surface level (which admittedly is very few) would tell you that I’d be a space junkie regardless. So yeah, I was definitely in my element with this one.

Of course we aced that sucker. Later that night we were in the cafeteria celebrating. Thank Zeus the building was made of stone, otherwise the sparks we making would have burned the entire place to the ground.

Oddly enough, things didn’t progress that night any further than that. In the past I would have made an attempt at seduction without a seconds thought. Perhaps the past months have instilled a more cautious nature in me. Whatever it may be at the end of the night, we hugged and when back to our dorms.

I woke up the next day not expecting anything special. My only plans being the assembly of a scale of The Exodus Earth. A ship that had the distinction of being the first craft to leave earth. One that soon became many. Eventually leading to our very disorganized union of planets and moons. I had never attempted a model of this complexity. In hindsight, I view this as me at my most introverted.

Like all crest, the pendulum would be quick to begin in swing in the other direction. My Navi buzzing would be marked as the turning point. At least upon recollection anyway. Who could be the person that had my phone a buzz? At this point only my family really cared about my existence and they were all back on Titan. When I checked it I was very surprised (and also very happy) to see Maggie’s name pop up. She simply wanted to grab lunch and talk. A simple enough request, but for someone of my lessened stature it meant the world.

Grabbing a brisk shower and a quick change of clothes, I rushed out the door. To say I was excited would be an understatement. That joy was soon to come crashing down. Quite literally, for when I say her sitting at the cafe. I called out to her, waving my arms like the man man I was. When she say me she waved back and smiled. She...smiled...at...me!

My mind went blank at this display of genuine affection. Probably at the worst possible moment. My feet forgetting that I had stepped on an escalator. I have told the people that witnessed my fall that it was quite pathetic. Maggie confirmed as much when I awoke at the hospital in between fits of laughter.

The Doctors said that after the fall had knocked me out cold. I guess I stayed that way for a full five hours. I awoke to the warm feeling of Maggie laying in my lap. Her breath warming my stomach. Of course, me rousing from a coma woke her from the beautiful slumber I had been greeted to. I can’t remember exactly but the conversation went like this.

“Have you been here this whole time?” I asked her.

She looked back at me confused at first then looked at the clock than back at me. Putting her hand over her mouth in shock. “You owe me lunch!” Was all she managed to say before I scooped her up into a hug.

This hug was different from the one previous. You see the last time we hugged it was as friends. This was a hug between romantic partners.

Speaking of romantic partners, my slate is buzzing. Looks like Maggie is calling me.

Should be an interesting call...

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Cobra Kai Theroy: The Return Of Jayden Smith


It's Time To Shake Things Up

    On January 1st, Netflix released Season 3 of the already hit series "Cobra Kai". To pretty much no ones surprise, the show quickly shot to the top of Netflix's ranking. Proving what this writer has known for a long time....

 Cobra Kai Kicks Ass

    In this article I'll be discussing my thoughts on potential plot points for season 4 of the show. Everything you read here is completely my opinion and should only be taken as speculation. I'm sure this show up on various channels as a "rumor" COUGHscreenrantCOUGH. Sorry about that...I'm allergic to bullshit. 

    Oh and before I forget I should probably put a MAJOR SPOILER WARNING!!!

You Have Been Warned

    Alright, so from here on out, I'm going to assume that you are up to date with season 3. But just to recap, in the final episode Kreese issued a challenge. If Daniel or Johnny's student wins Kreese will leave the valley.  But if his student wins the pair will back off. With the gauntlet thrown down. Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang join forces in an epic final scene.

    But before the hype can truly begin, Kreese picks up the phone. Anybody even partially familiar with the Karate Kid mythos knows exactly who he is calling.

    And who exactly may that be? Why none other than....

Terry Motherfucking Silver

    With Terry in play, literally all bets are off. With his considerable wealth he can bring in anyone or anything. In "Karate Kid III" he brought in karate's bad boy Mike Barns. While Barns entering the scene is certainly a possibility. The problem with that is Mike Barns coming on to the show is expected.

    If there is one thing Cobra Kai excels at, it is taking what the fans expect and then doing the exact opposite. So with that in mind, who could Terry bring. Which character from the past could be Mr. Silver's Karate champion. 

    Or...Kung Fu champion?


Enter The Dragon...Or In This Case, Smith

    Let's set the stage shall we? So Kreese and Silver are in the Cobra Kai office. Kreese is talking about how he still needs soldiers. With the loss of Hawk, Robby is the only one capable of carrying the dojo. Kreese fears that even he might not be up to snuff. Terry says he knows of a brutal Kung-Fu master. Some kid from Detroit who moved to china and quickly dominated the scene there. They nod in agreement and Terry steps out to make a call.

    Two episodes later Robby is clearly having his doubts. Kreese notices this and later on when he and Terry talk about it. Terry mentions that their secret weapon has just got off the plane. Cut to LAX baggage claim. First we see the name, than the person who bears it. It's Jayden's Smith's character from the 2010 version of "The Karate Kid"

    In the years between the events of the film and now Smith has become a hardened warrior. Long since abandoning the teachings of his original master. Terry forges a birth certificate saying that he is 17 so that he may compete in the next All Valley. 

    The hero's find out about the forged certificate but are unable to show it to the right people in time. Thus the tournament goes on.

    The final fight of The ALL Valley Tournament is Miguel versus Jayden's character. The fight is long but in the in the end...

    Cobra Kai Wins

    Knowing that victory was stolen from them. They agree they need more help. This time it is Daniel to make a call. With everyone at their lowest point.

 It's Time For The Next Karate Kid

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Work In Progress Wedsnday: Letters, the next chapter, and hiatus.


Taking Care Of Business

    Welcome to the weekly update! Here we shall provide information on all of my upcoming projects. Whether they personal or through my company The Phoenix Press

    This week I'll be giving a progress report for not just my comics Project Axis and  2100 Samurai but also my novel Lost Kingdom.

            Before I get into the status of the individual comics I need to make an important announcement. Due to Covid shutting down conventions, I will of course not be attending any for at least the first half of the year. Conventions are my main source of comic income and without them it doesn't really make sense to put the time and effort in. After 2100 Samurai is finished and all backers have their orders. I will be shifting focus onto my novel until I am able to go to conventions. I will still be open to anyone who wants to work with me but I myself with not be starting up any new projects. 

    Anyway, on to the comics. 

 Project Axis

    I'm just going to get straight to the point. Issue 2 is on indefinite hiatus. The original artist has departed the project. Until a replacement can be found, work will not be able to proceed.  For some good news I am happy to announce that we have sold over 100 copies!

2100 Samurai


    Thankfully, work on 2100 Samurai is proceeding smoothly.

    Pencils/Inks: 6 pages have been completed so far. Page 7 will be done shortly.

    Colors: Kitty has colored 5 pages thus far.

    Letters: So far 3 pages are lettered and thus finished. (Page 3 can be seen at the top of this post.)

Lost Kingdom

    As of this writing, chapter 8 is complete. Currently I am looking to have 15 chapters total in this novel. I'm churning out on average a chapter a week. Hopefully, I will be farming out the book to the initial Beta Readers. If you want to be one such reader, shoot me an email at submissions@thephoenixpress.com.  

So, what do you think? Anything in paticular you find exciting? Let me know in the comments below!

-Nick Gibson   

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

You Can’t Climb The Ladder Of Success With Your Hands In Your Pockets


Nick Gibson

    If you are reading this you probably don’t know me. Allow me to shine bit of a light on myself. I am a writer, well obviously. If I wasn’t I wouldn't be trying to make this blog an actual thing. But yes, I am a writer.

    I have many irons in the fire. Whether it may be comic books, novels, and yes...blogs. I work very hard to make my dreams a reality. Some may say it’s a fools errand. That I need to bankrupt myself if I want to even have a chance at getting somewhere. I say fuck all that. 

    I am a man driven by my passions. A life of mundane is not for me. It may work for other people. Honestly I envy the people who are content with normal lives.  Instant gratification is a concept that is alien to me. If you were to ask the few people that know me, one of the only things they would agree on is that my drive is without equal. 

   Like any other person, I have my dark moments. In those dark times I seek the wisdom of my betters. One video that I keep coming back to is a speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger. "6 Rules to Success"

    These 6 rules are law to me. If you feel the hunger in your heart I urge you to watch this video. I am sure it will be the pickup you need to get through your day. 

    Throughout my journey in life, I have come up with some rules of my own to add to these. Today I will share a few of them with you.

Create Well/Create With Passion


    This rule is all encompassing. Whatever you find yourself doing. Writing, Woodworking, Dancing, Design, it doesn't matter what it is. Anything worth doing is worth doing well. 

    The difference between a good work and one that is great often comes down to the passion used in it's creation. When you are passionate about what you create, it shows up in your work. Oftentimes in indistinguishable ways. You may not even be able to pin down exactly what it is, but one can certainly tell what was created with passion and those that were not. 

Never Stop/Never Surrender


    At the end of the day, the only thing, the only one, standing in the way of success...is you. Life comes and goes. It's easy to fall into excuses "I have a life. I have kids. I'm tired. I don't have the time." It's all bull shit. If you really want to get something done, you will make way for it. Doesn't matter if you only have 30 minutes a week to work on your dreams. You use every second of that time. It may take years to complete the project but what matters is that you finished it. 

    We as humans are very good at coming up with reasons not to do something. It's our job as individuals to fight against our base instincts.   

No Matter What...Be Humble/Be Kind


    This is the most important rule of my personal philosophy. As you climb up in the world, it is pathetically easy to fall into the trap of thinking yourself better than other. News flash, you're not. 

    People may be better at certain things. Yes, I am a very good writer. But I'd wager every thing I own that who ever is reading this has skills that I do not. It's not about where you are in the pecking order of life it's what you bring to the table. 

So...What Now?

    A person has an immeasurable capacity for greatness. They just need to unlock the potential inside of them. To the person reading this I say go for it. Whatever it may be...


    You can do it. I have faith in you.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Musing Monday: My Top 5 Albums of All Time


By Nick Gibson

So I like music. Yeah I’m sooooo original. But seriously though, music is a big part of my life. I am almost always listening to something. Whether it be doing chores, working whatever writing projects I got going on, or just doing...well anything.

Over the years, like anyone else, I’ve developed a few favorites. This where I will produce the thing every person on the internet loves: Lists. I hope you all enjoy reading my top six albums of all time.

Each of these albums I can and have listened to multiple times, front and back. Not only that but the music on them has resonated with me in some way.

3 Doors Down-The Better Life


Starting off this list is the album that literally defined my high school years. I would listen to it on the bus when I was transported in between schools. Every day I’d listen to this on my portable cd player. I eventually listened to it so much that I was able to tell the time just by how far into the album was at any given moment.

Beyond nostalgia, it’s just honestly a very good collection of songs. Of course the stand out track is Kryptonite, the evergreen ode to Superman. Besides that obviously good song, some other stand out tracks are:

Be Like That


A 90’s fueled fever dream of grandeur that you most likely remember from American Pie 2.

Duck and Run


 An eternal fuck you to all those people that doubt you. It’s just a good solid album.



Another one of my high school favorites. Like most people my age, I was suckered in by the sheer talent of vocalist Amy Lee. A woman whose talents far outstrip the fame it has brought her.

What I really enjoy about this one is the rather unique mix of Metal/Electronic. A sound not often heard. So little this very band would go in a different direction with the very next album.

Most people only know this band for the song “Bring Me To Life” and while that song is indeed a banger, there are many others that don’t get the love they deserve.



 Epic is really the only way to describe what you would be hearing. In this track Amy cries out in pain. Religious themes abound. Fun fact, Evanescence was thought to be a christian rock band when Fallen was first released. Even going so far as to be stocked at Christian Book stores. It didn’t last long but still a funny standout story. I personally feel like this song heavily contributed to it.



You are in for a creepy time when you listen to this one. Not much more to say other it’s just really good. Take a listen and see for yourself.

Daft Punk-Tron Legacy Soundtrack


Some people may prefer the original but for me “Tron Legacy” is where it’s at. A thrill ride from start to finish. It’s sound track being one of the main elements. The way action is timed with the beats is something only Eager Wright has managed to achieve. (Go watch Baby Driver if you to get an idea of what I mean. Plus it’s just a damn good movie)

This one doesn’t have a stand out track per se. Derezzed would be the closest to fit that bill. I do love that song but there are two others that I love even more.

End of Line


 The Ultimate Walking theme. I can’t tell you how many times I have walked into a place with this song playing in my ears. Walking along to the beat just manages to give my stride a certain sense of confidence.

The Grid


Literally the intro to the entire movie. This track manages to both set up the world and send chills down your spine. All at the same time!

Nirvana-Unplugged In New York


So I’m a huge fan of Nirvana. It’s literally my favorite band of all time. I own all of their major releases. To me, this one in particular stands head and shoulders above the rest. A certain honesty pervades the entire thing. It’s like your out with your friends. That is, if your friends were world class musicians playing you some of the greatest hits of the era.

There really isn’t a stand out track. The entire albums is just that good. But I owe you wonderful two of my favorite tracks so here we go.

Where Did You Sleep Last Night?


 The literally show stopper, as the final song of the night Kurt definitely went out on a high note. Giving an emotion fueled performance that left even the hardest person shaken.

Jesus Doesn’t Want Me For A Sunbeam


Yes another cover. This one is just simply beautiful. Bassist Krist Novoselic adds his skill with an accordion to take the song to an entire new level.

Linkin Park-Metora


Closing out this list is another childhood favorite of mine. I actually still have my original copy. It’s beaten to hell and back but it still plays like the Christmas night I got it. Practically every song I can relate to in some how.

The song is “Breaking The Habit” is undoubtedly the most well known song. I could name the entire album but instead I’ll just give you the usual two.



A song that is deeply important to me. With a message of wanting one thing and and your parents wanted something completely different. This is a song that I would send to people if I needed to sum up my relationship with my parents.

Somewhere I Belong


This song also has a deep meaning for me. For obvious reasons, it’s a song that talks about walking through life, searching for “the place you belong”. Sometimes when I need to vent I’ll pop this song and and just jam.

So there’s my list. What did you think? What are you’re favorite albums? Sound off in the comments below.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Wandavision (Episodes 1&2) Things aren't as 20/20 as they seem...

    In a world devastated by pandemics, politics, and just plain ridiculous situations. I feel like I can speak for most people when I say that the past year was far from normal. Flung from all we knew and forced to shelter in place, we did that. While things certainly seem to be cresting we are far from where we wish to be.

    That's where Wandavision comes in. As the MCU release since Spider-Man: Far From Home (Released July 2, 2019! ) Wandavision represents a return of the familiar. What was once a franchise that released multiple films a year has been reduced to a mini-series released a year and a half past it's last film. 

    Whether this show intended to or not, on a meta level it showcases not just Wanda's retreat to the familiar as a coping mechanism but also our own. As of this writing, we are on the verge of change. Biden will be our president in a mere few days, a vaccine is already being distributed. Nowhere is that more clear than in the first two episodes. Which this review will be covering. 

Vision Residence...

    The first two episodes evoke the Boomer nostalgia of the 50's and 60's. To be more specific,  the first episode draws heavily from "I Love Lucy" while the second pulls from "The Dick Van Dike Show" and "Bewitched" with a hint of "The Twilight Zone" thrown in. The show uses these not as a vehicle for hollow nostalgia bait but instead as a window to our current lives through the lens of the past.  

    But let's rewind the tape for a moment and get back to the show itself. While each episode is fairly self contained, different elements are sprinkled in for sharp eyes to spot where the plot is going. The way the second episode ends puts you in an interesting place. No spoilers but it will definitely leave you wanting more.

    Each new episode will be releasing every Friday on  Disney+  

    Expect our review of each new episode to drop the next Saturday. 

-Nick Gibson

Things are gearing up!

2020 was a shit year for us all no doupt about it. But we made it through. In 2020 I was able to Kickstart my comic Project Axis as well as do an IndieGoGo for 2100 Samurai.
That last one has hit a few snags but it's since gotten back on track. Expect to see more info on that in the near future.
Comics aren't the only thing I have been working on. I'm pleased to announce my upcoming novel Lost Kingdom!
A Sci-Fi/Fantasy tale set in our solar system. It is the 4000s, Earth has long since been abandoned for the wasteland it is. 
It is a story of regret, of lost honor, what would you do if you made a single choice?That choice caused you to abandon everything you once held dear.
As it stands now the first draft is about 50% complete. I'm hoping to have the book ready for beta readers by mid spring.
From here on out I'll be posting more often. Usually about anything and everything. Projects, Interests, Inspirations, and just random musings. 
Anyway if you got this far tell me your favorite sci-fi movie.
-Nick Gibson
"I can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk through it."