Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen...

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Things are gearing up!

2020 was a shit year for us all no doupt about it. But we made it through. In 2020 I was able to Kickstart my comic Project Axis as well as do an IndieGoGo for 2100 Samurai.
That last one has hit a few snags but it's since gotten back on track. Expect to see more info on that in the near future.
Comics aren't the only thing I have been working on. I'm pleased to announce my upcoming novel Lost Kingdom!
A Sci-Fi/Fantasy tale set in our solar system. It is the 4000s, Earth has long since been abandoned for the wasteland it is. 
It is a story of regret, of lost honor, what would you do if you made a single choice?That choice caused you to abandon everything you once held dear.
As it stands now the first draft is about 50% complete. I'm hoping to have the book ready for beta readers by mid spring.
From here on out I'll be posting more often. Usually about anything and everything. Projects, Interests, Inspirations, and just random musings. 
Anyway if you got this far tell me your favorite sci-fi movie.
-Nick Gibson
"I can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk through it."

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