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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Cobra Kai Theroy: The Return Of Jayden Smith


It's Time To Shake Things Up

    On January 1st, Netflix released Season 3 of the already hit series "Cobra Kai". To pretty much no ones surprise, the show quickly shot to the top of Netflix's ranking. Proving what this writer has known for a long time....

 Cobra Kai Kicks Ass

    In this article I'll be discussing my thoughts on potential plot points for season 4 of the show. Everything you read here is completely my opinion and should only be taken as speculation. I'm sure this show up on various channels as a "rumor" COUGHscreenrantCOUGH. Sorry about that...I'm allergic to bullshit. 

    Oh and before I forget I should probably put a MAJOR SPOILER WARNING!!!

You Have Been Warned

    Alright, so from here on out, I'm going to assume that you are up to date with season 3. But just to recap, in the final episode Kreese issued a challenge. If Daniel or Johnny's student wins Kreese will leave the valley.  But if his student wins the pair will back off. With the gauntlet thrown down. Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang join forces in an epic final scene.

    But before the hype can truly begin, Kreese picks up the phone. Anybody even partially familiar with the Karate Kid mythos knows exactly who he is calling.

    And who exactly may that be? Why none other than....

Terry Motherfucking Silver

    With Terry in play, literally all bets are off. With his considerable wealth he can bring in anyone or anything. In "Karate Kid III" he brought in karate's bad boy Mike Barns. While Barns entering the scene is certainly a possibility. The problem with that is Mike Barns coming on to the show is expected.

    If there is one thing Cobra Kai excels at, it is taking what the fans expect and then doing the exact opposite. So with that in mind, who could Terry bring. Which character from the past could be Mr. Silver's Karate champion. 

    Or...Kung Fu champion?


Enter The Dragon...Or In This Case, Smith

    Let's set the stage shall we? So Kreese and Silver are in the Cobra Kai office. Kreese is talking about how he still needs soldiers. With the loss of Hawk, Robby is the only one capable of carrying the dojo. Kreese fears that even he might not be up to snuff. Terry says he knows of a brutal Kung-Fu master. Some kid from Detroit who moved to china and quickly dominated the scene there. They nod in agreement and Terry steps out to make a call.

    Two episodes later Robby is clearly having his doubts. Kreese notices this and later on when he and Terry talk about it. Terry mentions that their secret weapon has just got off the plane. Cut to LAX baggage claim. First we see the name, than the person who bears it. It's Jayden's Smith's character from the 2010 version of "The Karate Kid"

    In the years between the events of the film and now Smith has become a hardened warrior. Long since abandoning the teachings of his original master. Terry forges a birth certificate saying that he is 17 so that he may compete in the next All Valley. 

    The hero's find out about the forged certificate but are unable to show it to the right people in time. Thus the tournament goes on.

    The final fight of The ALL Valley Tournament is Miguel versus Jayden's character. The fight is long but in the in the end...

    Cobra Kai Wins

    Knowing that victory was stolen from them. They agree they need more help. This time it is Daniel to make a call. With everyone at their lowest point.

 It's Time For The Next Karate Kid

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